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Nov 14, 20222 min read
Explainable AI Models
❓ #DidYouKnow that #explainableai can help us better understand #machinelearning (ML) models? 🧠 Modern ML-models are getting more...

Oct 7, 20222 min read
Artificial Intelligence for Climate Change
❓#DidYouKnow that glaciers are melting faster than ever, causing sea levels to rise? 🏔 A glacier is a build-up of snow and ice moving...

Jul 20, 20221 min read
Origin of the term "Software Engineering"
❓ #DidYouKnow MargaretHamilton coined the term #softwareengineering? 🚀 #MargaretHamilton was director of the Software Development...

Jun 28, 20222 min read
User Attributes via Eye Movements
❓#DidYouKnow that…. The eye movement (EM) of a person can be recorded by an #eyetracker device while looking at different stimuli. 👀 🛍...

May 24, 20222 min read
Where AI and Neuroscience Converge
❓ #DidYouKnow about the unique relationship between artificial intelligence and #neuroscience? 💻 Today, using modern neural networks can...

Apr 14, 20222 min read
AI Carbon Footprint
❓#DidYouKnow that training an #AI model produces as much carbon as 5 cars in their lifetime? 🏭Running a #NAS (Neural Architecture...

Dec 14, 20212 min read
Human Intelligence vs Robot Intelligence
❓ Did you know what makes robots intelligent? 💎 In 1983, a developmental psychologist named Howard Gardner proposed that humans possess...
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