❓ Did you know that the #Turingtest created in 1950 is used to evaluate the intelligence of machines?
💎 In his paper titled "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" published in 1950, #AlanTuring suggests that a machine is considered intelligent if it can carry on a conversation with a human without the human knowing he/she is conversing with a machine.
💎 His paper proposes a #game where a human judge has a text conversation with unseen players. The judge then evaluates players' responses. To pass the test a computer must be able to replace one of the players without substantially changing the results. This test came to be known as the Turing test or the Imitation Game.
💎 Thought out the years many #artificialintelligence#chatbots were developed with few coming close to passing the Turing test.
💎 ELIZA is a #bot created in 1966 by Joseph Welzenbaum. Eliza was able to fool the judges into thinking she’s intelligent by giving “non-directional” responses. ELIZA pretends to be a psychotherapist. But purposefully diverting the conversation and changing topics will make her easily slip.
💎 PARRY was developed in 1972 by psychiatrist known as Kenneth Colby using Lisp. PARRY was created to mimic a paranoid schizophrenic. It fooled 48% of the judges when tested on a variation of the #Turing test where the other players were schizophrenic.
💎 EUGENE GOOSTMAN was developed in 2014 and it stimulated a 13-year-old boy from Ukraine It was able to fool 1/3 judges but that was mainly because the judge attributed its unintelligent responses to communication and language barriers.
💎 Later in 2018, the #Google AI duplex was able to reserve an appointment with a hair dresser. The hairdresser had no idea she was talking to an AI #bot!
💎 However, no #AI#chatbot has successfully passed the #Turing test to this date. If you tried to communicate with them in an area, they are not trained on; you would see them get befuddled in what a 5 year old can easily understand!
💎 Further info and Fun links in comment below.
Contributing Editor: Eman Shemsu
